Michelle Buckley

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Our Housing Associations Pay Club – A Closer Look

Our pay clubs are forums for you to meet industry peers and gain knowledge about the latest pay data and trends in your industry. It is a major part of our work at Reward Connected and we have found it to be a brilliant way of offering great value information to the organisations who have joined.

In this blog we are going to take a closer look at our Housing Associations Pay Club.  Formed in September 2017, we are going to take a look back at its first year and at some of the pay data and reward hot topics that the members shared.  If you work in HR in the Housing Associations sector, this will give you a great overview of the type of information our members share anonymously by using a Reward Connected Pay Club.

Why join a Pay Club?

Data that is collated by reward surveys will provide you with lots of information, but very little of it will be specific to your sector. So though it will give you a rough guide, a starting point, it is often more beneficial to then drill down and discover the trends and concepts that’s relevant to your sector.

This is why our pay clubs offer such an advantage – they are industry specific, with data based on comparator organisations so you get to know exactly what you need and where you stand in your market place. By creating a pay club we are able to pool a unique set of resources aligned with your sector, then shape and analyse this data in order to present you with the latest pay data, issues and reward initiatives that your industry is looking at.

You can find out more about our Pay Clubs and the benefits of joining here.

Housing Associations Pay Club – 2017 Annual Report

To help you get a better feel for how our pay clubs work, we will lay out here a little more about our Housing Associations Pay Club.

Set up in September 2017, its first year members included the following organisations:


Hanover Housing Association

Home Group

Housing and Care 21

Midland Heart

Sanctuary Housing

The Guinness Partnership

Thirteen Group

The first meeting of the group was in London, in September. This was to set up the club and gather a list of roles, hot topics and issues the members wanted in the 2017 report. The members then submitted their pay data and information so we could start working on the report.

We cannot emphasise enough that it is the members who decide the hot topics and pay data to include in the report. It is each member, given a voice, that drives the pay club.

What Did Members Get From The Report?

The 2017 report offered a thorough overview of its members set up (such as employee size, property locations etc). This allowed the group to gain a strong understanding of its fellow members.

Some of the pay data and topics covered included:

Pay data (both National and London rates) on over 40 roles including Carer, Area Manager, Housing Manager and Procurement Manager, all of which were important to our members.

Regional salary variations by roles.

Remit of the Estate Managers Role and how the role’s responsibility is developing within the sector

Staff attrition and retention issues.

Staff recognition initiatives.

How HR departments communicate to offline workers such as Carers on their benefits.

The pay increases for the year ahead (useful for budgeting) as well as discovering the last pay review increase percentage

What members are doing with financial education for staff – such as awareness of their pension options, or how they could get help with debt management

A full breakdown of all the benefits on offer

The Housing Associations Pay Club Report also covered which members offered extra care, the location of properties and even which job evaluation systems were in place (for more about job evaluation systems, you can read more here about our guide to JESS, our very own and incredibly robust and useful Job Evaluation System).

Each and every topic we covered in the 2017 Housing Associations Pay Club Report came from member discussion. Our role at Reward Connected is to facilitate you getting what you need, from each other.

What’s Going to be Included in the 2018 Report?

For 2018 our report will build on last year’s. Just some of the extra hot topics and pay data that the members have asked for include:

Apprentices – what roles and pay are members offering.

What new roles people are developing and hiring for.

What work members are doing on promoting healthy initiatives to staff (a subject that ties in with our yearly Wellbeing and Benefits Report).

A closer look at the pay data of residential village staff, head office functions and trades.

There is still time to participate in our 2018 report, just get in touch with us today to sign up. Members will receive the report in October this year.

Pay Clubs – Sign Up Today For All The Benefits

We get a fantastic uptake of members every year, due to the value you get from your peers, as well as the fact you can decide what it is you need to know.

We love running these pay clubs because we see so clearly the benefits – they lend themselves to saving your organisation money and giving you up to date information on what is happening in your specific sector.

Are you thinking of signing up?  Speak to Michelle or Jo today for more information, or click through to your specific pay club and learn more about its benefits and members.

Reward Connected Pay Clubs

Charities (International)
Housing Associations
International Aid Charities (UK)
Institutes & Membership Organisation
Medical Based Charities
Research Based Organisations